AMDD Overview
- About AMDD
- AMDD Overview
American Medical Devices and Diagnostics
Manufacturers’ Association (AMDD)
AMDD is an industry association established in 2009 comprising over 60 member companies, most of which are Japanese subsidiaries of U.S.-based corporations, that handle medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics.
AMDD works to provide advanced medical technology (diagnostic and therapeutic technology) in response to the needs of both the Japanese medical field and its patients. AMDD member companies not only engage in product import and sales but also work in close cooperation with the Japanese medical device industry in R & D, and in promoting the use of Japanese-made parts and omponents in their products. Moreover, they account for approximately 70 percent of the medical devices sold in Japan (at an annual value of approximately 1.8 trillion yen) and for directly employing around 22,000 people (as of 2015) in the country.
Member companies have bases such as repair and maintenance facilities in almost every prefecture in Japan,contributing greatly to the advancement of the Japanese medical device industry.
Outline of AMDD
- Name:
- American Medical Devices and Diagnostics Manufacturers’ Association (AMDD)
- Address:
- Shiodome City Center 5F, 1-5-2 Higashi Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
- Representative:
- Takanao Tamai, Chairperson
- Description of
activities: - The AMDD represents the operations of companies that provide medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics (IVD) and other advanced medical technology in Japan. The AMDD undertakes advocacy activities with the goal of providing global-standard advanced medical technology to Japanese patients. These activities include providing policy recommendations related to regulatory issues, national health insurance reimbursement payments, and healthcare system reform in Japan. The AMDD maintains a close collaborative relationship with the U.S. Government and the U.S.-based industry association Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), in addition to the Japanese government, academic societies and other industry organizations.
AMDD organization