Policy Proposals HOME Policy Proposals KeywordCOVID-19 Policy Proposals 05/14/2024 AMDD’s Opinions for the Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2024 Policy Proposals 11/21/2023 The promotion of value-based healthcare through digital transformation Policy Proposals 08/25/2021 Report : AMDD Combats COVID-19 - Survey on AMDD’s Contributions to COVID-19 COVID-19 Policy Proposals 06/21/2021 Tokyo Basic Plan to Promote Cardiovascular Disease Measures (Draft) Policy Proposals 09/10/2020 Basic Plan to Promote Cardiovascular Disease Measures (Draft) Policy Proposals 06/26/2020 AMDD’s Opinions for the Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2020 Policy Proposals 04/28/2020 COVID-19: Joint statement on air transport of critical medicines and supplies Policy Proposals 06/20/2014 Proposals on the Appropriate Provision of In-vitro Diagnostics” ―In consideration of diversifying healthcare needs― Policy Proposals 06/10/2013 Comprehensive Prevention Achieving Enhanced Safety and Improving Infection Prevention and Detection Policy Proposals 12/07/2012 Study Report on Economic Evaluation of Capital Equipment Policy Proposals 11/08/2011 Proposal on Infrastructure Building for Companion Diagnostics for the Promotion of Personalized Medicine Policy Proposals 09/21/2011 Comparison of market environment for medical devices in Japan, China, and Korea 投稿のページ送り 1 2