Medical Technology HOME Medical Technology All Opinion AMDD 10-year History and Beyond Opinion 04/01/2012 Mind the gap: Japan makes moves to reduce device lag Opinion 01/01/2012 Japan: infrastructure for implementing companion diagnostics needed Opinion 10/01/2011 Lessons learned from the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Opinion 07/01/2011 Out of joint: Japan must nurture markets for innovative technologies Opinion 02/01/2011 Meeting patients’ demand for advanced devices and diagnostics in Japan Opinion 10/12/2010 Global best practices: the key to fighting healthcare-associated infections Opinion 07/30/2010 Japanese reimbursements fail to send the right signals to Orthopedics firms Opinion 03/24/2010 The “device gap” means Japan’s market remains a challenge for industry Opinion 12/24/2009 Japanese system needs to evaluate “the true value of IVD” Opinion 10/02/2009 Japan's maintenance of devices is lacking Opinion 07/10/2009 Japan’s device lag could be a thing of the past 投稿のページ送り 1 2